Kundalini yoga in Boise, ID
“The purpose of Kundalini Yoga is transformation.”
-Yogi Bhajan May 17, 1992
Kundalini Yoga is called the Yoga of Awareness. It is a technology that integrates the body, mind and spirit into a cohesive system. Practicing Kundalini Yoga awakens, refines and expands one’s awareness. It eliminates inner duality, while cultivating inner stillness and the ability to deeply listen. It increases prosperity and excellence.
The most fundamental aspect of Kundalini Yoga is the clearing of the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is our storehouse of information: thoughts, beliefs & memories. When there is too much garbage in the storehouse life can feel overwhelming. Clearing the subconscious mind regularly increases mental clarity, creativity & sense of wellbeing. The heaviness lifts and the soul shines through.
Kundalini Yoga is a 10 body system, comprised of 1 physical body, 3 mental bodies & 6 energetic bodies. Each body has a positive and negative manifestation that shows up in our behaviors and beliefs. Let’s take the physical body (5th body) as an example. Strengthening the physical body may manifest as balance & the ability to sacrifice. Conversely, a weak physical body may lead to feelings of greed, jealousy & competitive behavior.
Another example is the Aura (7th body), the energy field that surrounds the physical body. A strong auric field may manifests as feeling elevated & inspired. A weak auric field may allow for paranoia and lack of self trust to become the norm. It is clear from these examples that by strengthening the 10 yogic body system a person can self - transform. Confidence, peace & balance can be achieved.
Each 75 minute class, as taught by Yogi Bhajan, consists of physical movement, mantra, meditation & gong. Kundalini yoga is appropriate for all fitness levels. All ages welcome.